Sunday, November 30, 2008

Monday, Dec. 1 by Dan Thomas

Isaiah 60:19-22

As you read Isaiah 60:19-22 we are aware of the reality that Light has come, as anticipated by the ancient prophet. But try to put yourself into a time machine which helpsyou feel as they felt before Jesus came. Then our Advent Season can become more meaningful. Instead of "will be your light", we hear Jesus say, "I am the Light of the World." The light which is the presence of God, inaccessable and threatening to God's people then, has come to earth and lived among us radiating love.

Mourning can be past when we realize that Presence is still available. As they mourned their sins and the destruction brought on their land, we can mourn our part in needing a savior to come. Mourning disolves in the radiance of salvation we receive in Christ. In Revelation we read, "the Lord will be your everlasting light." Darkness has not overcome the Light.

Then we hear, "you are the light of the world." This can be difficult to believe. But we only reflect that light which comes from God. As we endeavor to do this we are assured this is not our achievement. God says to us as to the people of old, "I will accomplish this.." That reassurance helps us live by God's word.

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