Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 14, by Michelle Thomas-Bush

Matthew 2: 12
“….[T]hey set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising…..”

The story of the Magi lifts up our eyes with curiosity, wonder and awe to the stars that lead us to Christ. The Magi were on a journey, unsure of what they would find. The journey at that time was inconvenient even though they traveled with great wealth and privilege. These Magi had an audience with the King. They had some concern about the King and maybe even concern for their lives. However, they were reaching for that which brought them great joy and were not to be stopped. These Magi were searching for the Holy One.

On this journey, they maintained a sense of wonder and excitement. In their curiosity, the Magi traveled far into the unknown. We know how this story ends, but let’s keep them on their journey today – for we are still on our journey to Bethlehem.

Last week at Impact, one new sixth grader asked what was a Presbyterian. I began a little bit of a dissertation that began with denominations.

The sixth grader said, “Wait a minute. Do you believe in Jesus and God?”

I answered, “YES.”

And he said, “That’s all I need to know.”

He was ready for the Journey, ready to go wherever the church was going to take him as long as he knew that Christ was the guiding star.

I am grateful for the youth who allow me to accompany them on this journey of faith and who continue to challenge me in my curiosity, wonder and awe.

God, we have been waiting for a word of Hope this Advent, a word that will challenge and change us. As we travel on this journey to Christmas, open our ears so that we can hear your word for us. In Christ’s Holy Name, Amen.

Michelle Thomas-Bush is Minister of Youth and Young Adults at Riverside. Dave, Michelle, Camden and Violet love Montreat, movies, plays and picnics. Michelle loves that we have a movie theater in walking distance from the church....but why can't they have a noon showing?(Not that I would sneak out of work for a movie!)

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