Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3 by Sophie Maness

John 1: 6-9
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe in him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.

I know a group of women, seven exactly, who are sent from God. They have come as a witness to the light, so that I / we might believe in him. They themselves are not the light, but they testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, is here in the world among us.

One is the mother of a young woman struggling with mental illness. An artist, she not only finds her peace in arts and spirituality, but also she helps others unbury their spirits through art.
One is a single mother whose theology and leadership open unexpected doors with joy and play inviting others into a world of possibility in Christ.
One is a minister breaking out of the mold to follow a dream and vision of what church and retreat can be when infused with art, creativity and energy.
One is a cancer survivor, a businesswoman and someone who can’t sit still for thinking of ways to love others.
One is organized and creative all at once and when the rug got pulled out from underneath her at work, picked herself up and has moved forward with faith, generosity and kindness.
One is a seamstress, a cook, a recreation leader who moves with a gentle force to make ministry happen in all kinds of settings.
One is a minister to young people and all people, who can multitask with the best of them yet slow down enough to hear your heart.
Each of these women has faced life’s challenges head on. None of them has been without pain and heartache, much like the rest of us. BUT, they all have a heart for play and laughter and light. They have walked with me through the valley of darkness and have helped me see the true light. They have let their light shine by simply being themselves and opening up to each other.
John was the witness to the light to come.
These women have been witnesses to me and so many others of the light that is. I think the Gospel of John could be an invitation all of us to “let our light shine.”

Great God, as you sent John to be a witness to your light to come, help us, guide us, to be a witness now to the light among us. Amen.

Sophie Maness is the Director of Christian Education at RPC and is married to Roger Manes. She has twins, Sophie-Ann and Jerry who are 11th graders and Elle, a yellow lab. Sophie enjoys a diet coke every day, a good laugh, her daily workout with Michelle and of couse we all know she loves chocolate!

1 comment:

Chris Wrenn said...

Sophie: Your meditation really put a twist on my thinking. As much as I may have heard it, I don’t think I’ve ever really internalized that people who have brought comfort or light into my life are “sent from God” in the way John or any of the prophets was. I usually think of them as people who want to help me, want to love and forgive me because they are—like I am—trying to be Jesus’ disciples. But that moves the primary focus from God to us, doesn’t it? We don’t send ourselves; we point to the One who sends us. Because of who God is, maybe we are prophets and saints after all? Chris